For anyone interested in music - from the casual listener to the professional. composer - Bali presents a musical landscape that stretches far beyond the island's diminutive physical dimensions. Few places in the world can boast such a rich and varied musical environment. And while the sheer number and variety of ensembles, performances and compositions is in itself quite extraordinary, it is the superb quality of the music that elevates this tradition into a class all its own.
Over the centuries, Balinese musicians have developed a musical language in which layers of melody and complex figurations are interwoven to produce a unique tapestry of sound. The music is rehearsed to perfect synchrony by musicians in village gamelan percussion orchestras. On almost any evening, one can hear the bell-like tones of the gamelan - from the high, shimmering melodies of the metallophones to the deep, resonant tones of the gongs and drums - drifting across the rice fields as villagers prepare for yet another temple ceremony.
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