Kajeng Kliwon is the only significant conjunction of the 3- and 5-day weeks. Offerings are placed at house entrances to bar demonic forces. Ceremonies and sacred dances are held at temples, many of which celebrate an odalan anniversary. On Anggarkasih, when Tuesday coincides with Kliwon, household offerings are made to safeguard its members, and many temple odalans take place.
Many holy days fall on Buda or Wednesday. Buda Umanis is a very auspicious day for ceremonies. Buda Cemeng is a day for praying and meditating to the deities of wealth and fertility. Buda Kliwon is a particularly holy day (such as Pagerwesi and Galungan), when Prayers and offerings are made to ensure the blessings of the gods.
Pagerwesi falls on Wednesday of the week Sinta and means "Iron Fence," a time when humanity must stand firm to protect the world and its creatures. Rituals begin two days before and prayers are said for the continued well being of the universe.
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